Born Spirano (Bergamo) ITALY September 7th 1951.

Graduated in Medicine in the University of Pavia in summer 1976.

School of Specialization in Occupational Medicine and School of Specialization in Psychiatry at the University of Pavia with maximum marks.

Full Professor of Toxicology in Faculty of Medicine at University of Pavia

Has published over 200 articles in the field of pharmacology, toxicology. and in educational information technology and 7 textbook in the field of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Medical Informatics.


I collect stamps on stamps (used or mint) TYPE A & B

Type A: reproduction of the original stamp on the new stamp.

Type B: use of the original design with modifications, such as using a part of the original design or changing denominations and country names to current ones.

Type U: reproduction of a stamp in an unidentifiable form, such as indicating a stamp on an envelope or in an album, or having a simulated perforation design to indicate a stamp.

Best regards from Pavia

Plinio Richelmi

University of Pavia

Via Chiozzo, 48